1. Audit
- Statutory Audit of Companies
- Internal Audits
- Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961
- Audit under other sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961 such as 80HHC, 80-IA, etc.
- Concurrent Audits
- Revenue Audit of Banks
- Branch Audits of Banks
- Audit of PF Trusts, Charitable Trusts, Schools, etc.
- Audit of Co-operative Societies
- Information System Audit
2. Valuations, Merger & Acquisition, Joint Ventures & Collaboration
- Preparing financial model for Joint ventures
- Preparing definitive documents for Joint ventures
- Negotiation with Joint venture partner
- Finalizing the definitive documents for technology transfer including technology compensation
- Conducting the Accounting, finance and tax due-diligence
- Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations.
- Business valuation
3. Income Tax
- Consultancy on various tax matters.
- Consultancy on International taxation matters
- Effective tax management, tax structuring and advisory services.
- Tax Planning for Corporates and others.
- Designing / restructuring salary structure to minimise tax burden.
- Obtaining Advance tax Rulings.
- Obtaining No Objection Certificates from Income tax department.
- Obtaining PAN for assessees, employees etc.
- Advance tax estimation and deposit.
- Assessing the liability towards deferred taxes.
- Providing regular updates on amendments, circulars, notifications & judgments.
- Filing Income Tax returns for all kinds of assessees.
- Filing Income tax returns for employees of corporate clients.
- Liaison with Income tax department for rectification, assessment, obtaining refunds etc.
- Expertise in complicated direct tax assessments.
- Expertise in Tax litigation Matters.
- Filing and pleading appeals under various provisions of IT Act.
- Special expertise in search, seizure and prosecution litigation.
- Advice on future tax implications in respect of the potential acquisition.
- Opinions on the various Double Tax Avoidance Agreement related issues.
- Settlement of various issues raised under FEMA.
- TDS Returns and consultancy on WHT and TDS matters including prosecution compounding and remittance certificate.
4. Corporate Services
- Preparations of Project Reports.
- Business Valuation
- Preparation of CMA data for bank loans.
- Private placement of shares, Inter-Corporate Deposit, Terms loans, working capital limits, etc.
- External Credit Borrowings (ECBs).
- Incorporation of company
- Consultancy on Company Law matters.
- Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
- Clause 49 review for compliance with fiscal, corporate and tax laws
- Secretarial Matters including share transfers
- Maintenance of Statutory records /
- Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
5. GST
- Getting GST Registration
- Consultancy on matters related to GST including Tax planning
- Preparation of GST returns
- GST ITC reconciliation
- Liaison with GST authorities
- Getting GST Assessments done
- Filing and pleading appeals wherever necessary
6. Accounting Services
- Accounting System Design & Implementation
- Financial Accounting
- Budgeting
- Financial Reporting
- MIS Reports
- Financial Analysis
- Asset Accounting Management
- Depreciation and Amortization Schedules
- Accounting Out source services
7. Cost & Fund Management
- Product profitability improvement
- Arrangement of Fund
- Restructuring of Costing and Financials
- Liasing with Banks & Financial Institutions
8. Services For Non-Residents
- Allotment of Permanent Account number (PAN)
- Tax planning.
- Obtaining Advance Rulings on debatable issues.
- Consultancy/ advice on FEMA/RBI matters.
- Filing Income Tax/ Wealth Tax Returns
- Advice on making investments
- Issuing certificate for repatriation of income / assets from India.
- Making application to RBI for various matters including sale and purchase of residential and commercial properties.
9. Payroll
- Preparation of Monthly Salary Sheet.
- Deductions as per applicable laws like Income Tax, Provident Fund, Professional Tax etc.
- Computation and deposit of TDS, ESI, PF etc.
- Disbursement/ Online Payment of Salary.
- Pay slip by password protected e-mail.
- Reimbursement of telephone, medical bills etc.
- Issue of Form 16 to employees.
- Periodic Reconciliation of payments/statutory deductions etc. with books of accounts.
- Administration of gratuity, superannuation, pension schemes etc.
10. Virtual CFO Services
- A Complete financial and accounting solution to any company or concern under this concept we take care of all accounting and financial services of an organisation.